AdCharge Team is pleased to announce that the AdCharge SDK for iOS is finally ready and available for use. From now on AdCharge has both native iOS and Android SDK to ensure the smooth integration with third-party apps.

Our developers worked hard to create a devkit that provides better functionality and advanced features in terms of analytics, advertising and innovative experiences for standalone apps.

Using SDK, MVNOs, MNOs, and other service providers can implement AdCharge without complicity, using our application platform as a service. It allows network operators to offer a unique service using their brand name and maintaining their own mobile app. All the features and perks offered by AdCharge can be integrated in the most convenient and personalized way, synchronized completely with the overall functionality of any application!

According to global mobile OS distribution, Android and iOS software development kits help network operators to increase AdCharge penetration, covering 99,9% of smartphone users. Our team is excited to offer to our partners and their users more possibilities and enriched services.

Contact AdCharge Team now at and learn more about how to monetize your subscriber base and get a completely new revenue source.